All In: The Star and His Avatar

Although Susan and I don’t do too much scandal news astrology, after surviving the heart of hurricane Sandy here, the affair of Gen. David Petraeus with his devoted biographer Paula Broadwell has been too good to pass up.  They even physically look alike, so we had to make a closer inspection. Without astro-psychoanalyzing either one (there already has been too much of that), just from the point of view of fate, these lovers are truly star-crossed. There is so much overlap between them, starting with Suns/birthdays only two degrees apart, it is no wonder he called her his “avatar”, his substitute persona in female form. They are incredibly entangled astro-reflections of each other, starting with ordinary synastry (his to hers, by close conjunction alone):

Sun on Sun; Saturn-Neptune on Mars-Uranus; Venus on Moon (maybe, depending on exact time); Mars on N.Node; Mercury on Mercury-Neptune; Uranus on S. Node (maybe Moon as well, depending on time); Chiron on Jupiter.

Then there’s the composite, which features Venus conjunct Sun (cazimi, yet!) at 16 Scorpio, Mars/Mercury conjunction next to this month’s lunar eclipse degree at 7-8 Sagittarius (her Sun/Moon as well), and Pluto-Jupiter opposition at 11-13 Virgo-Pisces.

Quite astonishing, really. These folks are definitely soul mates wrought of the same threads of destiny, in a very volatile mix, and both are having Saturn sweeps that will keep them under duress for some time to come. Of course, America, just peeping out from its own Neptune fog of two years ago is momentarily fascinated with this fantasy debacle, a distraction from facing its own clarifying realities. Fortunately, Jupiter is smiling on the next four years, despite its risks, so maybe we will all soon find something more truly profitable with which to distract ourselves…

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